I figured out a little while ago that if I lift my booty up in the air, I can rock myself back and forth and do a little dance. The other day, I rocked so hard, I took myself on a little trip, and the next thing I knew the whole room was spinning. After it stopped, something was holding my hands down, but I wrestled the floor monster, and the next thing I knew, I was free. I did a pushup (yeah I'm buff like that) and the world was completely upside down, and I could see all kinds of things I never saw before. Ever since, I've been trying out this little trick over and over, and now Mom and Dad had better watch out, cause I'll be four months tomorrow, and before they know it, I'll be motoring all over this spot! Check me out, flexing my muscles and my voice!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
okay, so getting older has a lot of cool benefits. I can hold my head up to watch TV now, which makes it a lot easier to see football games. I can talk to my Mom and Dad to tell them stories about my day. I sleep all night, so I get lots of rest and that gives me lots of energy. But the coolest thing about getting older is my toys! I have so many fun things that people gave me before I was even born, and now I can finally play with them. One of my favorites is my ocean mat that my Uncle Adam and Aunt Lisa gave me!
Sometimes, I play for so long that I just wear myself out.
First Rote Rip
Mom and Dad tell me a lot about the Rote Rips they used to go on, but once I came along, they couldn't really take any more. Things changed last month though, because we went to go see Nana and Granddaddy's house. I think it was really far (that's what my brother and sister told me) but we all slept the whole way. I closed my eyes in the car, and when I woke up there were huge trucks everywhere, and it kind of smelled funny. Mom gave me a bottle and then a couple big burps later, I dozed off again. When I woke up the next time, we made it to Nana and Granddaddy's house. We had a good time, met some more new people, and then it was back in the car for some more rote ripping. Emma sat next to me the whole way, and Thai kept watch in the back.
Bathroom Fun
The other day, I found a new friend in the bathroom. He's almost as cute as I am, and we were telling each other funny jokes!
PS. give me a listen at about 55 seconds. Time to get out of the bath!
I also started taking my baths in the tub, because Mommy had to take the net out of my little bathtub (I'm so big now!). She and Daddy tried to bathe me on the kitchen counter again, but I LOVE splashing, so it made a bit of a mess. Now, I get to go bananas in the water, and Mom and Dad stay mostly dry. Everybody wins!
PS. give me a listen at about 55 seconds. Time to get out of the bath!
Thursday, September 2, 2010

After all of the excitement of my visitors, and Mommy's Birthday (I made her a special card with pictures of me in it and I got her a necklace too!) it was time for me to go to school. I'm such a big boy! I had a great day, and I met my good new friends and my great teachers. They give me bottles, and change me, and they let me take naps too! Daddy said I was the best first day baby ever, but I think he was just trying to make me feel good. I tried hard though, and I didn't fuss much at all, and all the teachers in the whole school wanted to meet me. I still get held a lot, and I hope the other babies don't get jealous, but I'm so stinking cute, who could blame them for wanting to hang out with me. Even the other kids like to come in and play with Mr. Patrick's baby (on a side note, I don't know who this mr. patrick is, but I hope my daddy tells him that I'm HIS baby). I had a great time there for my first week, but then I got sick (I guess bites from shots don't keep me from getting sick after all, boooo). Getting a stuffy nose was kind of lame, but when I went back to the dr, they gave me bubblegum juice instead of shots bites, and that stuff is wayyyy better. They said it's for my ear in faction, but I don't know what that means. I take it like a champ, even though it's super cold, and daddy calls it my Mock Sasillen. I don't know how to spell that, but it makes me feel super much better. Hopefully I won't take too long to tell you guys more, but I hope you have as much fun as me!!!
More Visitors
So lots and lots of people come to meet me, and I like that, cause I get to meet them too. This time my Uncle Josh and Aunt Melissa came, and we had a good time together. At first, Uncle Josh wasn't sure about holding me, cause he thought I was fragile, but I told him that I was tough, and he got better. Aunt Melissa tried to give me a bottle when they got here, but I forgot to tell her I was full and I kind of exploded all over. I guess she found out you can only put so much milk in a little boy. We went on

I know it's been a long time since I've talked to you guys, but soooo much has happened, and I don't know where to start. Wait, yes I do. I GOT ATTACKED BY A SHOTS! I went to see my doctor friend, dr. baker (I think he will make me some cake one day maybe, like my aunt kristen) and after he told me how awesome I was, he left and this other lady came in. They had me take off all my clothes, and then something bit me. Mommy and Daddy kept calling the monster a shots, and I hope I never have to meet one again, cause it HURT. I yelled and yelled until we got safely back in the car, where I quickly passed out. I got a cool Ban Day though, so I guess it was okay. I don't know what happens when you get bit by a shots, but I slept all night long and way late the next day too. I was a sleepy boy, but Mom and Dad say that letting the shots bite me will keep me from getting sick later, so it's ok. I'm a tough boy right?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Si the Model
So, I'm not trying to get a big head or anything, but I did some modeling a couple weeks ago, and the results are pretty spectacular. I could show you the whole shoot, but I'll spare all the other... how can I put this nicely... cuteness-challenged babies out there the trouble of competing with a born superstar. My phone hasn't started ringing yet (mostly cause Dad won't let me get one), but I know that Baby Vogue and Infant GQ will be beating down my crib before long. Until then, here's a sneak peek of the talent. Enjoy...
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Football is coming
My Dad told me today that it's almost football season, and I think that's a good thing. I've only heard games before, and Dad gets really into them, but when good things happen, he's really happy, so I'm looking forward to getting into it with him. I hope I can figure out what's going on, cause it sure sounds confusing. To get ready, I played with my Colts bear in my crib the other day while Mom picked out an outfit for my photoshoot (maybe I'll put some of those pictures on here later too). It was pretty awesome, and I laughed a lot. Dad told me to tell everybody that Tom Brady is a loser too. GO COLTS AND VOLS!!!!
The Visitors
Ever since I came home, I've met lots of cool people. Some of them I meet while I'm rolling around through a place called Wallmart, but lots of them come to my house. My Aunt Kristen comes over to hang out with me all the time, but she never poses for pictures with me, so I had to find one from my first day here. They hang out for a while, and they hold me for a long time. After a little while, they disappear. Sometimes they come back again, and it takes me a minute to remember them all. It's fun though, and I usually get to see new places when they visit me, like this place that was all wooden and smelled really tasty.
Aunt Kristen thinks I look funny in my hat...

My Nana and Granddaddy came to see me...

It sure does wear me out, but that just makes me sleep longer for Mom and Dad, and they LOVE that!
Aunt Kristen thinks I look funny in my hat...
My Nana and Granddaddy came to see me...
Then my Grammie and Papa were here...
Then Aunt Kristen's whole family came to visit...
It sure does wear me out, but that just makes me sleep longer for Mom and Dad, and they LOVE that!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Growing Boy
I'm growing like crazy now (probably because of all the milk I keep eating), and I outgrew my first outfit this week. Here's a picture of me in it from a couple of weeks ago. That's good news, cause I have lots of fun stuff that I really want to wear, but Mom and Dad keep telling me I'm not big enough yet. It's bad news too though, cause I really like this outfit. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to keep getting more cool clothes to wear so that I don't mind getting bigger. Plus, I'll be able to ride my brother and sister after I'm older too, so I've got that going for me.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
I might like baths
I'm a Happy lil Monkey!
I just celebrated my 6 week birthday, and I have been so happy about it that I've been smiling at Mom and Dad all day long. My toofless grin is adorable, and I love to show it off whenever I get a chance. Sometimes I crack myself up, laughing at my own jokes and smiling at the fan up above me. I hope I get to meet all of you soon, and I'll keep telling my stories whenever Dad lets me use the computer.
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